Monday, 12 October 2015

14- Reflection on progress

"10 posts at health check 1.  A bit behind where you should be - I'm not sure that this represents 4 hours of work each week....  You have some lovely and detailed posts (post 9 in particular), but generally your posts are lacking in the level of detail that you need at A2.  What I suggest you do is go onto the archive from last year (link on Advanced Portfolio blog) and look at blog 2 (Tahmina). She got full-marks for her blog and so this will give you some idea of what we expect.  If you ever feel like you are blogging using the same level of detail as last year AS then you aren't doing it in enough detail.
Targets for improvement:
Complete missing blogs by Friday 9th October
Go back to posts 4, 6 and 8 and expand on them in more detail.
Check your spelling (some unfortunately spelling errors in blog post 3 and 6).  You are losing marks for 'ability to communicate effectively' if you have spelling errors.
You must (can't stress this more) be setting aside 4 hours a week to work on this.  Any less and you are likely to be disappointed with the grade at the end of the year.  You have huge potential to get a high mark - don't let yourself down."

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