Genre: Country/Pop
There are 9 costume changes throughout the whole music video. There is no verse-chorus-verse link to the costume changes, although, during the bridge of the song, we see the change in the narrator/participant/singer's costume into a dress, unlike her other costumes. The song lyrics directly link to the narrative the majority of the time. During the second verse, we see the pre-chorus being narrated with the artist being in the bleachers and the other character in the video as a cheerleader. There is an aspect of the video where we see short shots of the artist dressing up in the mirror as stereotypical 'outsider', including a hippy, goth, nerd, showing that she differs from the typical 'girly' girl, like the other character in the video. The use of costume links to the genre through playing with the whole idea of a typical American high school teen film - this is typical to the pop genre, as it is know for being playful and fun.
The video contains at least 6 locations including the bedrooms, the outside bench, the car, the football game, and the prom/party scene. The setting and locations directly links to the costume, specifically the football game, as the artist is wearing a band costume, the other characters are in uniform for the game. As mentioned, the location and setting link to the idea of Pop being a fun and playful genre.
Video 2: Bow Wow - Let Me Hold You ft. Omarion
Genre: R&B/Hip Hop
The artist in this video has 3 costume changes: The white jumper during the party, black hoodie outside the party, and the black vest on the stair case. There is no verse-chorus-verse structure to the artist costume changes. The use of costume directly links to the typical thought of Hip Hop and R&B outfits: flashy jewellery/belts, bandanas etc.
There are 5 places where the video is shot: the girls house, outside the party, inside the party, and the stair case. The setting of the video links to the costume through the genre - R&B videos often represent females with lack of clothing, and seen with a male companion. R&B and Hip Hop videos also often are set in a party showing wealth through jewellery, cars, mansions and swimming pools.
Video 3: The 1975 - Girls
Genre: Indie Rock
'Girls' by The 1975, only contains 2 changes of the base track of the band and the close up of the lead singer - both costume changes are similar as they all appear to be wearing black throughout the video.
The costume changes do not correlate with the verse-chorus-verse structure where we see the camera cut from the females and the band. In contrast to the white background, the band are presented in all black, making them stand out. Their costumes links to their genre, as they are presented as different from others, where the artist is presented as bright and the main focus.
Overall, the video is shot with different coloured screen backgrounds which features the white background with the band playing their instruments, the yellow background with the lead singer, white background close up shot, the colourful props, white background with lamp posts and crossings, the car, and the background with lights. The minimal background is a contrast to their costumes, as the setting is bright and colourful, unlike the band that are all dressed in black. There is less production involved in this video, like many indie rock videos.
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