Monday, 30 November 2015

Feedback (26th Nov and 30th Nov)

We had two opportunities where we could show our audience our rough cuts so far. We did this to receive feedback so we could improve our music video. 

On the first viewing we got RESPONSES like: 
+ edited well to the beat (flicker leading up to the first chorus)
+ everything seems edited well
- missing close ups on artists face in first verse. 
- the car park scene seems a little grainy compared to the rest of the footage (possibly
 changes the curves to help fix this problem) 
- sparkler looks a little weird as you can see the person holding it in front of the camera. 

We decided to go to our first location in Kings Cross and refilm some shows so we are able to get some close ups to introduce our artist. 
Change some curves to get better quality in come clips. 

In Today's Lesson (Shannon)

As we managed to book a slot at the light shop, God's Own Junk Yard, on Friday - today's lesson consisted of importing the shots we took and marking it where appropriate in order to align it with the lip sync for the second verse in the song. We also need to move on to the second verse when cutting into both the light shop and south bank. Myself and Esther are in the lesson editing and blogging, whereas Martyna and Rhiana are reshooting one more shot at King's Cross Tunnel of a close up that was suggested by Rebecca and a student in order to introduce our artist at the beginning of the music video. Editing has currently consisted of cutting where appropriate and also realigning some of the markers, as they are out of beat. Problems that have already occurred are deciding which shot to use for the parts where no lyrics are sung. We attempted to solve this problem through using the beats within these silent moments rather than to each line in the song, which was used at the beginning of the second verse. 

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Editing process so far

At this point in the editing process, we were playing around with filters, trying to find one that matches our synergy of lights. We found red and blue filters that went really well with some of the shots we had. Due to the use of filters we had to keep rendering our music video so we could keep previewing it and adjusting certain elements properly. 

Friday, 27 November 2015

Re-filming 27/11/2015

From the feedback received about our rough copy of the music video, we decided to film more close ups especially for the second verse for the song. This is because it was advised that we should be introduced to the artist 'Haze' by seeing her face clearly. Hence, why we filmed in the light shop again. It also had good lighting that worked well with our synergy and matched the genre of our song which is pop and house.

Filming Day 8: (Lightshop 2)

When we had all our footage on the timeline, and started to compose our second verse, we found that we wanted more of the lightshop. However, we did not have enough footage. And the footage we did have was of just the location and none of the artist. We also got a lot of positive feedback from the light shop clips. Our target audience seem to really like the location and hoped to see more so we wanted to go back to the location and film some more footage, but this time with the artist lip syncing to the camera. 

We only had an hour film at the location. In this time we got some close up and extreme close ups which will help us show the face of the artist more. This was our last day of filming and we found it to be very successful. We filmed what was suggested in our feedback sessions. 

Location Update

Our initial locations included the college rooftop, granary square, light display at King's Cross, King's Cross tunnel, South Bank tunnel, Leytonstone bridge, and Peckham multiplex car park. As some of our locations were difficult to access and unconventional for us, we decided to find alternative locations. Our final locations that we will definitely be using for our music video include:

  • King's Cross Tunnel
  • One New Change Roof Terrace (Alternative to rooftop)
  • South Bank Tunnel
  • Car Park in Angel, Islington
  • God's Own Junkyard (Light shop)
A car park in Angel was used as an alternative, as it was closer for all of us to access, and also had a blue light that could match our theme of lights emerging throughout our music video. I remembered that there was a light shop called God's Own Junkyard and suggested it to my group, which matched the principle of our music video and has been the most successful shoot. One New Change Roof Terrace was used instead of having to go through to facilities at college, where we filmed the sun set - we were unable to refill this, as the weather has not been the same since. 

Filming Day 6

Light Shop 2

We managed to book a filming slot at the light shop, God's Own Junk Yard, where we were able to shoot a few lip syncing shots including close ups, as we lacked in that principle element. The only problem we encountered was arriving late for our booked slot, but the shop owner was kind enough to let us continue. Although it was a short shoot, it went really successfully and the footage taken will definitely be used within our music video.

Filming day 6

Whilst editing we were unhappy with some of our shots. We thought that if we were to continue editing with our southbank shots than our music video would look really repititive. Also our southbank shots weren't our best as they were quite dark and grainy. We also thought that it didn't go well with our previous shots.

We decided that we would want to film again at God own junkyard in Leytonstone again, however, this time get some shots with the lip-syncing to use throughout the rest of our music video. So, during lesson time we decided to call God's own junkyard to ask for permission to film for our music video, and they nicely give us permission to do so.

 Due to all of us having a lesson after lunchtime we only had about 30 minutes to film multiple base tracks. In the end we able to get 4 base tracks making sure to use a variety of shot types especially close ups in response to our feedback.

 Whilst reviewing our footage we were extremely happy with the shots. I thought the shoulder rig we used  was very helpful in stabilising the shots and reducing the shakiness.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Filming day 4 and 5

Though it was not originally planned we decided to film at a place called God's own Junkyard. We had found it online and really like the look of the place and thought it would really fit the theme/motif  of our music video which is light and colour. We could thus then use it also as part of our synergy. However, due to not getting prior permission we weren't able to get shots with lip syncing. But, we did get great establishing shots and other various shot type with our 'artist' Haze.

We also filmed again nearby at a bridge near Leytonstone . We had problems with the noise of the cars and with the wind. So it was hard for Rhiana to hear the song even with our loud speaker. We also weren't to keen on the lighting on the bridge as it the shots would not suit our other shots. Upon reviewing the footage we decided it would be best to not use the bridge footage

Monday, 23 November 2015

Rough cut 1 feedback

From the feedback we got from Rebecca, we have many minor things that can be improved in terms of editing. However, so far our editing for the music video is coming together quite well. Most of the things that need to improve can be done in the editing process proving that our filming went well. The minor adjustments that will need to be done are;

  • Lip sync the clip in the car park closer to the song
  • Show the artists' face properly
  • have the shots gradually start to jump faster as the beat drops
  • shorten some of the clips

Filming Process

Filming Process (Shannon and Martyna)

Our process consisted of 5 filming sessions and 6 locations. Our first filming session was filmed during the half term and we filmed at 3 locations on this day: King's Cross Tunnel, One New Change (St. Pauls), and South Bank Tunnel. As it was difficult to access the college roof top, we decided to relocate to One New Change shopping centre, which provided a roof terrace. Fortunately, the weather was decent and the sunset we initially intended to film was present. This is how we first planned on the storyboard to start of with the rooftop. Filming at King's Cross was not as successful, as we came at a time that was quite busy. Although, we believe that it was a very good location in relation to our artist and synergy ideas (lights). One New Change was successful due to the shots we had taken there - unfortunately, we were not able to lip sync there due to the filming regulations. The weather has not been like this since, so we have not managed to reshoot any of that footage. First shooting at South Bank was also quite difficult, as it was similarly busy to King's Cross. Overall, the first day of filming was productive as we managed to go to 3 locations. Although, we had to reshoot some of the shots at King's Cross and South Bank, as it was very busy.

The second day of filming consisted of us reshooting the King's Cross footage. This more successful, as we managed to film from 2 perspectives with 2 DSLR cameras. We experimented with a top light, as we found that the Dido Light was too bright for our preference. We also found that this light was not useful as it did not contribute to the brightness of our footage. Shooting day 2 was successful in terms of getting the footage we initially envisioned. The lighting change along the walls emphasised our synergy idea, at first we thought the changing lights would be a problem as they were not red all the time. However, when reviewing the footage we found that it actually fitted the music conventions of discontinuity and the audience (as they would expect change of costumes) would also be expecting change of lights and colours.

Day 3 of filming initially was planned to be filmed in Peckham Multi-Storey Carpark. Although, it was far from where we were and not as accessible in terms of travel for all of us. In substitution for our initial car park location, we found a small car park in Angel which fit our preferences, as it featured a blue neon light throughout it. Our shoot there was very successful, as there was no one around at this time. Our issue, was that a car came into the perfect filming space we planned to shoot long shots - we resolved this issue through moving and changing our shot type plan: from long shot to side profile mid shot. Another issue is that we had not planned to film there so we had limited time to do so when the opportunity arose, limiting the amount of shoots we would have liked to film.

On our fourth day of filming, we went to a light shop in Walthamstow called God's Own Junkyard. Even though we were not filming the artist lip syncing (due to filming regulations) we got really successful shots of the location, which was a massive warehouse filled with various lights. We specifically found a light which was of red lips. This reflected back on our artist as she has red lipstick in the music video. In this location, we filmed random shots of the different lights which we would then place at the start of the song before the artist starts singing.On this day, we also went to Leytonstone where there was a bridge overseeing the train station and filmed our artist on it. We are unsure whether we will be using this footage, as the lighting was not very good and there were interruptions from people walking past. Not far from the bridge, we attempted to use the sparklers in a darker area. This went well, but may need to be reshot due to our time limitations within this area. This shooting session was successful overall.

The fifth and final day was shot at South Bank once again. We decided to reshoot some of Rihana's (Haze) shots. Also,

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Filming Day 7 (Southbank Tunnel)

For our final day of filming, we went to Southbank Tunnel which is under the Waterloo Bridge. Here we re-filmed some shots of the artist as they were a bit grainy so we could not use them. We also filmed our dancers. This was important as this was one of our main ideas for our music video. We tried to get different angles so we could use various shots. As we also wanted the sparkler to feature in some of the dancing, I held the sparkler while the dancer was dancing behind it. This turned out to be a good shot as the camera focused on the sparkler. We also tried the smoke bombs, we found a little platform for the dancer and placed the smoke bomb in front of him. It did not turn out as we would have wanted as when the smoke bomb was burning it was leaving behind the 'stick-like' shape behind where you could see that it was burning and as we wanted close ups of the dancers feet, this was not the most successful. We also had to cut short because the smoke got too much and it was not the safest choice to carry on filming. 

Overall, I would say this was also successful as even though, our first attempt with the smoke bomb did not turn out the best, we tried again and found out that by positioning the camera at a different angle we did not see the rubbish the smoke bomb left behind. We also got some really good shots of the dancers meaning we could use this footage in our music video. Re-filming our artist was also a good idea as we got some better angles of her this time, and used lighting to help reduce the grany-ness of the shot.

Filming Day 5

South Bank Tunnel 2

This filming session mainly consisted of shooting the dancer's feet in time with the song, and also reshooting some of Rhiana's lip syncing, as a lot of our previous footage was grainy due to lighten problems. We managed to film our dancer 'cutting shapes' whilst a smoke bomb was active in front of him - our only problem revolved around the framing of the shot, as we could see the outcome of the burnt smoke bomb. We also were able to shoot the feet and Rhiana with sparklers by them.
Overall, I believe that this session went successfully as we got good footage that will most likely be used in the music video. The only problem we may counteract, is whether the footage of Rhiana may be grainy again according to the lighting in the film. We attempted to fix this pervious problem through using a top light this time, although we did not end up using it as it did not appear how we expected it on the viewfinder.

Filming day 8

we visited southbank again to filming the dancing and do some shots with Haze again. Filming was successful, with minimal disturbances.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Filming Day 6 (Light Shop and Leytonstone Bridge)

As we wanted to in cooperate as much light into our music video, we found a shop in Walthamstow called 'God's Own Junk Yard' which is a warehouse filled with various types of lights. Out of all the locations, this has got to be my favourite location as it is so beautiful. When checking the site if we was allowed to film, we found it cost £700 for the day. This clearly was out of our price range. When we got to the location, we found that we can take photos/footage as long as it was for personal use. So we just filmed the various lights and the artist walking around looking at the different lights. We did not film her singing to the camera just in case there would be any complications with the management. 

We then moved on to our second location which was a caged bridge in Leytonstone. Here we was able to film for our base tracks. However, there were several problems with this location. First, as it was above a busy road, it was too loud for the artist to hear the music through the speakers. Second, the lighting was too harsh, as these were fixed lights on the top of the caged bridge we could not do anything about it. And thirdly, as the bridge is next to the station, there were several times were people would get into the shot as they were crossing the bridge trying to get home. 

Overall, the 6th day of filming was some what successful. The light shop was very sucessful as the shots we took, we know we will be using in our music video. However, the footage we took on the bridge was not as successful as the lighting really brought the quality of the footage down. It was also very white, and considering our previous locations (pinky, blue, red colours) would stand out too much in the video. 

Filming day 5

We went to a light shop we found on google as we thought it would be good synergy. It was easy to film as the lights in the shop gave the general glow of red which is also part of our synergy. we were allowed to film there as the owner said as long as the clips were for personal use. 

We went to a bridge that goes over Leytonstone station. As it was cold, we filmed quite quickly but the shots came out decent. The only complications were that people walked through the shots a couple of times. Also it was quite hard for the artist (me) to hear the song being played as the train underneath the bridge was loud.  

We played around with the sparker and filmed.

Instagram Teaser 2

This small teaser is more of an introduction into our artist, where we fully see her face, and also one of our locations - where also our audience is able to get a vibe into our music video.

Filming Day 4

- Light shop & Leytonstone & Sparkler -

Filming Day 4 consisted of visiting 2 of our locations that we added. Our first of this filming day was God's Junk Yard (light shop) in Walthamstow. Where we were able to get shots of Rhiana walking around and fortunately found one of the lights that can link to our ancillary synergy ideas (red lips). The shots we took varied from mid shots to long shots. Unfortunately, we were unable to get any lip syncing shots, as it was going against the filming regulations within the shop.
Filming at Leytonstone bridge was a good location in terms of the mise-en-scene, as there was quite a bit of red within the background. Although, due to lighting issues, it was difficult to get good footage of Rhiana lip syncing to the song. Below the bridge, we also managed to film a few shots of Rhiana with sparklers, although we got cut off as the park bit was about to close.
I specifically think that the shots in the light shop went the most successfully, and that we will definitely be using those shots for our music video. Additionally, I think that the bridge shots were not as successful and we may have to find an alternative to these shots, possibly reshoot a few south bank shots.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Filming Day 4

We filmed in a car park close by college. We chose this car park as we wanted it to be similar to the original music video which had an abandoned element to its environment. We didn't get to film a lot as it was late and we had to consider health and safety first. We managed to get some really good side profile shots, mid shots and long shots.

Filming Day 5 (Car Park)

 Originally, we wanted to film in a car park in Peckham. However, considering that we all live in different locations, it would be a long distance to travel for some. Also, considering the fact that we wanted evening/night time shots, it was not the safest option (considering we would be travelling at night time with equipment to an abandoned car park). 
Instead, we found a car park which was close to college. The extreme blue lighting in the car park allowed us to continue our light motif. We had limited time in the car park so we could only get a few shots (side profile, midshot and long shot). This would mean the car park would have less base tracks than our other locations. Another problem we faced during filming was that our artist was positioned in a parking space which was directly under perfect lighting, however, a car was pulling in while we was filming therefore we had to relocate to a different part of the car park. Overall, I would say it was a successful day of filming as even though we did not film as much as we would have wanted, we did get some very good shots in. 

Filming Day 3

We decided to relocate our car park to a more accessible one for all of us (in Angel), rather than the car park we initially wanted to film at in Peckham. Unfortunately, we forgot to get our memory cards and only could film on Martyna's camera. I think that the footage that we got was very good and met  our expectations. Our aims revolved around capturing the blue tint to our footage, matching our reoccurring theme of lights.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Fiming day 3

During our 3 hour lesson we decided it would best to use our time to film in room 323 with the white background. We decided to to use these shots as backup incase of not having enough footage whilst editing. We got the technicians to put red filters in front of the lighting. We chose to use red as synergy throughout of media products and music video. Also, to even more elements to do the shot I decided to play around with the lighting control, this created an effect where the red lighting faded in and out. We thought this looked really interesting and effective.

Once reviewing the footage we decided to not use these shots as they looked a bit random when compared to other shots that were shot on location. Therefore, we were to only to use these shots only if we really had to.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Filming Day 4 (Room 323)

During our 3 hour lesson we wanted to go into room 323 and use the white backdrop. As red is our main colour which we use throughout the music video, we were able to get red gels to put over the lights. We were able to mess about with the lighting to give off this red effect. We also found that we could keep the light going from red to normal using the switches. This looked interesting on the camera as with each beat the lighting was changing smoothly. This location was a potential base track, however when reviewing the footage we found it wasn't one of our best visual locations. It also looked a little random, as most our shots are outside or have more element to it. Whilst this one was just a plain background with red lights. It looked a bit out of place when reviewing all the clips we had so far. We kept the footage just in case as a back up, if one of our other locations didn't go to plan. 

Filming Day 3

We filmed in a studio (Room 333), this filming stage was an idea we came up with so we could have an extra location or if anything went wrong during our editing process. This is our back up location but when we edit we will see if we can incorporate shots from this session. We filmed any different camera shots including; mid shots, long shots and close ups. We added red gels in front of the light as we tried to incorporate the theme of red lighting.

Updated re-shooting schedule

Filming day 2

On Monday we decided to quickly re-film our shots at King's Cross as it was nearest location. The re-filming session went well as we able to gain the shots we needed quickly in a short amount of time as the shots we needed were clearly thought out and planned. What we need to do next is film the rest of the shots we need to re-film and film at the locations we have yet to film.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Filming Day 3 (Victoria Park)

One of our main elements in our music video is fireworks. During bomb fire night, I went to Victoria Park to film their display. Originally I was meant to go to the Walthamstow display, however it was cancelled due to the weather issues. The display went on for about 30 minutes. It was hard to adjust the camera as there was two displays going on at once (from two different sides) so I had to keep moving the camera back and forth. To maintain the quality of the footage, the camera was on a tripod. This helped to reduce the footage from being shaky. I also experimented on going in and out of focus with the fireworks to create this blurry effect. Overall, I would say this was very successful as the footage will be used in our music video. There were also some red fireworks which will help keep the synergy of red throughout the video

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Filming Day 2 (King's Cross)

We had to refilm our footage in the King's Cross tunnel as it was not very good and we did not have shots of the full song to use as one of our base tracks. 
This location we want to use in the first verse. We liked this location as it fit in with the light motif. The lighting helped create a silhouette of our artist. We filmed several shots of her walking down the length of the tunnel, standing in front of the lit wall, portrait shots, and various mid and long shots. We tried to go at a time where it was not as busy (avoiding rush hour) so passer-bys would not get into our shot. 
Overall, it was a successful day as we filmed various shots in which we hope to place in the start of our music video. 

Filming Day 2

Embed in Blog - collage

For our 2nd day of filming, we decided to try and re-shoot some of the scenes from Kings Cross as when we reflected on the footage we had so far, Dan (our teacher) pointed out that the shots were quite dark. This time round, we brought a LED light to see if the shots would come out better. However, this was unsuccessful as the light reflected of the background and showed in the footage. Due to this, we decided to film different shots such as long shots of 'Haze' (me), walking and also wait for the background to naturally change to lighter colours that we could work with.

Filming Day 2

As we had problems with lighting for the last filming session, we decided to reshoot some footage at Kings Cross during our lesson with Dan. We managed to film from two cameras, as Martyna was back from her trip. We also decided to use a top light for this shoot, but found that it did not project well on the camera screen and was very much similar to a grime video. We also found that the top light reflected in the background with the lights. We included a tracking shot of our artist walking, and also a close up. I believe that this filming session went successfully, baring in mind of our short time slot to film. Our next steps include filming the fireworks on bonfire night, then some of our sparkler/lights shots.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Filming Day 1

Filming session 1 consisted of shooting 3 of our locations - beginning at King's Cross, then One New Change, and finally South Bank Tunnel. We had difficulties filming at King's Cross, as it was towards the end of the day and a lot of people were passing by - but overall, it went successfully. We then rushed over to St. Paul's to film the sunset, which was not as successful, but we also attempted to film a time lapse. The lighting was not as great in this location, so this may need to be reshot. Our last location was South Bank Tunnel, where we also trialed the small red smoke bomb. As we found that the footage was quite grainy, we attempted to use the dido light and stand - which also did not work out too well as it was extremely bright. We also experimented with using a red lighting gel over the dido light. We also found that the smoke bomb was activated at a really short height, and tried to resolve this problem through using a low angle shot. This shooting day was overall productive. Our next steps towards the production of our music video include: possibly reshooting some shots, and going to our other locations and filming.

Monday, 2 November 2015

37. Reflection on Progress (Blogging Health Check 2)

Since my last progress grade, I have improved my grade to an A. One of my strong points is my analysis of the original products like the website. As a group, our pitch was also successful. Each point was detailed. Our presentation of Rihanna's photo shoot was a bit messy as we just put them on blogger. To present this better, we need to put them on a slideshow or another viewing platform to make it look more easy. We also need to make changes on our pitch blog post about the animatic and include more feedback from the pitch.

27. Final ideas

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37. Reflection on Progress - Blogging Health Check 2

Mark : 17 Grade - A

"Hi Esther - A strong blog so far with some excellent work, you are clearly working well together as a group - you have a strong sense of aesthetics and it really comes through in your blog design, with focus on the details such as the colour. I hope this carries through to your final piece.  I'd ask you to correct is the series of photos of Rihanna, please use a slide share program or similar to display them rather than having them all in one huge post. Your "brand image" pitch slide could have a little more detail.  Also please note your animatic is currently set to "private" so I can't view it - please change. I'd add that with regard to pitch feedback, you've only written 3 bullet points. Is there nothing else you could have included here?
Now you should move onto reviewing your footage and posting any corrections or improvements that emerge from the process of filming. Enjoying seeing your Twitter updates - please turn these into full blogs asap. Excellent work so far with good use of ICT please keep it up."

I have progressed a lot since the first blogging health check and I will continue producing my blog up to this standard.

38/40: Filming day 1

Filming day 1

Our first day of filming went smoothly. We firstly came to college to pick up the lights needed for some of our shoots. We decided to first go to the king's cross tunnel as it was the closest. We managed to get the shots that we needed, however whilst filming we found out that because we facing towards the light that a lot of our shots of our artists were very dark. So, we had to change the planned shots we had and reposition them so that the artists was well lit.

After that we quickly went to the One new change shopping centre to film the sunset. However, we only managed to get  a bit late as the sunset had already started. We decided to film anyway but we have decided to re-film there again and get there on time for the sunset next time.

Finally, we went to our last location of the day which was the south bank tunnel. Once again we managed to get the shots we needed, however, due to the low light and not be able to use the dedo light properly some of shots were poorly.

In conclusion, once reviewing our footage in the Monday lesson we found out that quite a lot of our footage were shaky, poorly lit, out of focus at times, and mainly unusable. So we are planning to go back to same location and re-do all of our shots. Also, to reduce the shakiness next time we plan to take out the fig rig.

Refilming schedule

Because a lot of our shots were unusable we have decided to go back to our filming locations and refilm most of shots. To be organised I (Esther) decided to come up with schedule in which we will re-shoot all the shots we need with information like when, where, and the type of shots needed.

Below is our schedule put in an online timetoast so we can all access the schedule which will regularly update with when we decided when to re-film the other shots that we plan on re-filming.

Reflection on progress 2

"45 posts at HC2.  A huge improvement here well done.  You've gone back over the early research posts and have made the suggested improvements to the methods of presentation and content.  Your own individual planning blogs are detailed and thorough.  The task now is to maintain this grade as we move into the next phase of the coursework.
1. I want to see a blog from you after each filming session which identifies what you think went well and what needs to be improved.  There aren't any posts from the filming so far which is a shame.
2. Go back to the post that contains your photos for the ancillary and present them in a different way.  At the moment they are all posted into the blog in a long line - think about using Flickr, instagram or photobucket to present them in a better way.  
Keep up the excellent work. ''   

I will continue to maintain the standard that my work is currently at. I'm aiming to do extra blogs to show that I have done my own work outside of lesson time.

Filming day 1

Filming day1 - Kizoa Online Movie Maker

The First location we filmed was at Kings Cross tunnel which connects to the train station. We chose this location as it fitted with our synergy which was the variety of different coloured lights. It was very daunting being in front of the camera in public for the first time. Many people walked past while we were shooting the music video. At first it was very distracting but as we continued to vary our shot types, I eased into singing quickly and ignored them. We tried very hard to get as many different shots as we could including; long shots, close up, and mid shots from different angles.

Then we attempted to catch as much of the sunset at the New Change rooftop. We managed to get some of it but it was hard as we could only shoot mid shots of 'Haze' (me) and had to dedicate most of the shooting to the establishing shots. This was because the sunset was dissapearing very quickly. We may need to re-shoot but it may prove difficult because of the weather and the colour of the sunset. 

Finally, we filmed at a graffiti tunnel near Southbank. When we filmed, we noticed that it was quite dark so we attempted to use the Dido light. It was a bit too bright and the light even began to reflect of the wall and became noticeable in the footage. We then tried to fix this by using a red gel but the result of it came out not as we expected. We then filmed with the smoke bomb for the first time, as the smoke was low we tried to film from a low angle. 

Overall the Filming for the first day went well. We may need to re-shoot some shots but will be filming other locations also. 

Idea's for places to film fireworks scene (Rhiana)

We are currently in the process of finalising where we are going to film the fireworks scene. This are the various displays that we are deciding from.

Pictures During Filming

These images will possibly be used for our ancillary work:

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Makeup Planning and Preparation

Before filming day 1 - I decided to look into the make up look of our artist.

I first looked at the original artist of the song, Karen Harding, and looked over her make up look within the original video, then on photoshoot covers in general. I went for a simple gold shimmer tint that she often wears with cat-eye eyeliner.

Jess Glynne is also an artist which is similar to ours. I looked at her iconic make up looks and found that she often has a specific eyeliner design, that flicks out then follows into her eye crease.
Inspired by this, I decided that I am going to use a triple dot pattern at the end of the cat-eye eyeliner.
This make up look can also be used as a form of memorable characteristic for synergy.

This look is previewed in the video I posted on the group's Twitter:

Reflection on Progress - Blogging Health Check 2

"44 Posts at HC2.  A huge improvement Shannon - well done.  You've gone back over your initial blogs and have improved the quality and the way they are presented.  Your planning blogs are detailed and use ICT very well.  If you can keep this level of detail up you should be aiming for an A grade.  The task now is to try and keep this grade - so don't let things slide.
Can you do the following for me please:
1. Ensure that the photos that you've posted for the ancillary are presented in a better way -  at the moment they are all posted into a blog post.  Please use instagram, flickr or photobucket to embed them as some sort of slide-show.
2. As we move into the production stages make sure that you are posting an overview of each filming stage (nothing to show for this so far...) and that you are individually reflecting on what you think went well and what needs to be improved for the next filming/editing session.
Great improvements though - well done. "

In response to this feedback, I have placed the ancillary pictures in Photosnack and also included the final storyboard & animatic of our music video. I will be posting updates on our social media accounts (@A2Group4) on Twitter and Instagram, and also include blog posts with an overview of each filming day.